Headlines trumpet the latest news about which officer of what company is being sued for how much. Make no mistake: No matter how small your company is or where you are located in the Greater Miami Area – if you have directors and officers among your leadership team, you need to protect them from the substantial liability their position places them in. For more than three decades, the professionals at iSure Insurance Brokers have been protecting companies’ top management with directors’ and officers’ liability insurance.
D&O protects executives from loss
Often called D&O for short, the policy offers protection for top management from lawsuits that they are named in for negligent or wrongful acts. It is common for these executives to be named in a suit when unhappy customers, disgruntled former employees, shareholders or regulatory bodies file a lawsuit against a company. The coverage protects the personal assets of the directors and officers, paying for court costs, legal fees, and damages that may be awarded.
Multiple types of policy to choose
There are various types of D&O coverage, but your iSure advisor can recommend the mix of policies that is right for your organization. We’ll closely review everything from your business structure and bylaws to your roster of directors and officers. Depending on your probability of risk, we can determine exactly how to combine coverage for individual protection, indemnification, or a mixture of both as well as supplemental, complementary policies for ultimate coverage.
Protect your execs
A good directors’ and officers’ liability policy is not only essential coverage to have on board from an operational standpoint, a company may have trouble attracting and retaining the best senior executive leadership without a policy in place. Let the professionals at iSure help you protect the people who lead your organization to profitability.
Be sure with iSure. We welcome the opportunity to protect what you have worked so hard to build. Please contact us at 305.223.2533 to learn more about what we can offer you.